Minorities always HATE mainland minorities

September 17th, 2023

Mainlanders have different cultures and that usually is dodgy in outside countries. This dodgy behaviour affect general perceptions and actions against all of that minority group, even the assimilated ones. Hence, assimilated miniorities are treated as dodgy, all because of mainlanders, and so begins the cycle of hatred.

My Chinese friend always talked shit about the mainland Chinese people. But, this guy was in Australia for less than 2 years, he was born and raised in China. Why on earth is there such a dislike for the mainlanders? My grandpa, Asian, born in Asia, raised in Asia, has been living in Australia for over 20 years. Even he dislikes the mainlander. He once told me, “Yo Kay, you aren’t Asian anymore, you’re Australian. Look at current Asian behaviour, dirty, crime ridden, dodgy, don’t associate your name with them anymore.”

  Slater Slate Codex mentioned that people don’t hate the outsiders, they hate the in group. For minorities, this ingroup is always their own ethnicity, but it’s not the assimilated ones. You see, assimilated and mainland minorities act drastically differently, they simply have 2 different cultures. But, most importantly, bad behaviour from mainland minorities adversity affects assimilated minorities, despite them and the rest of their group doing nothing.

  Have you ever experienced a mainland Indian, with their behaviour and mannerisms that is meant to deal with 1 billion people? There’s nothing worse than being behind a mainland Indian on the airplane. They don’t have any concept of personal space or common decently. The lady I was behind reclined her chair all the way back, leaving me barely any room to just sit. Even when it was time for food, she had to be told multiple times from the airline staff to put her seat upright. They also tend to be dirty, extremely dirty.

  Because it’s impossible to determine an assimilated and mainland Indian at a glance, that means all of them are treated as if they engage in the typical mainland behaviour. Effectively, it is racism and prejudice, even the most assimilated and educated minority is subject to such treatment, despite never doing anything to warrant that.

  So, the hatred grows, even more so as the numbers of mainlanders increase. Hence the general consensus on certain minorities dodgy behaviour cements itself through all walks of life. Like how shops are on guard against black people, the constant observation of black people being thief has changed how shops operate and train their staff against shoplifting. People can sense any change in behaviour, and it is no pleasant feeling.

  The exact same has happened to me, I’m Asian, people sterotype that Asians are smart and project that onto myself. Hence people I don’t know assume I’m smart, despite myself being a fucking dumbass and it annoys me greatly. In Australia, Aboriginals are ALWAYS drunk, not the just a cheeky drink drunk, but the I hate my life, everything sucks, drown myself in alcohol level drunk. So, now, each time I pass a group of Aboriginals, assuming they’re drunk and thus prone to unpredictable and aggressive behaviour.

Artificial Restriction Elevates Experience

December 18th, 2022

With $300 AUper week, I can’t afford much. $35-50 on foods, a shit ton on rent and whatever meager leftovers as either tourism or a meal out. As such, my meals taste so good, despite not having much. The restrictions elevated my experience of foods. Despite the fact it’s nothing more than some sausages, salads and a bit of relish, I’ve never had such a good meal in my life.

  It also elevated my meals out. Because of how finite my funds are, because of how my meals must be extremely cheap, a meal out is godly. In addition, the restriction of no oil and low carbs means my options for home meals are basically meat, salad and veggies, nothing else. When I eat out, there’s no restrictions, it’s full on food goodness.

  Restrictions, even though artificial, changes ones perspective on life. Much like how you only notice things after you lose them, the same story applies here. If you could meat wagyu steak everyday, then is it really special? Same story with rump or porterhouse steak. Only when you can’t afford it regularly does eating it become special. For how long did you have to wait to afford that steak? For how long have you been craving it. Finally you can cook up the steak and enjoy it. Not being able to afford it for a while only serves to heighten it’s value.

Although I wouldn’t do this forever, it is quite an interesting experience. It must be longer than a week though, at minimum 1-3 months. You see youtube videos of people trying to live under poverty for a week, but that means nothing. Why? Because it’s only a week, in the back of their minds, they can just go back to porterhouse steaks in a few days. With a month, the distance is far too long to imagine going back properly, thus you must change your lifestyle to accommodate a new way of living.

  Why wouldn’t living with $300 per week, in a first world country, be great in the long run? Well, you can’t really go anywhere or do anything. Friends wanna go out and eat? Sorry, I can’t afford that, my budget is $15 dollar meals. Going to some adventure room? Sorry, I cannot afford that. Eventually, they’d just stop inviting you all together. After all, your answer would always be how you couldn’t afford it anyway.

The Misery of Linear Celebration of Accomplishments

June 19th, 2022

Don’t celebrate in a linear fashion, otherwise celebrations will slow down to near non-existence. Celebrate the journey with random milestones, ones that aren’t tied to any particular destination.

It’s a natural tendency to celebrate things in a linear fashion. Say you have a youtube channel, so you’d celebrate the 1st view, 10th, 100th, 1,000th, 10,000th, 100,000th, 1,000,000th and so long. Except, this is a terrible idea. Look at how much each increment increases by. Progressively, celebration becomes few and far between. Then what motivation would be left? We constantly get bombarded news of overnight success, or fast rising stars. Too bad that’s not the same for all of us. There’s an availability bias on fast rising stars, everyone wants to report on that. It took Gigguk, the anime youtber, 10 years to reach 1 million subs. In contrast, it took a vtuber a few months to hit 400k. There isn’t as much fanfare for Gigguk’s long and arduous journey. So media gives the illusion of constant overnight success, instead of the slow slow and tedious road towards success.

  With a linear celebration and the illusion of instant success, we’ll all be constant depressed at our slow progress. Instead, celebrate incremental progress and the milestones. Don’t make things about some arbitrary number eons away. Make it small and constant. Instead of 1,000 to 10,000, make it each 1,000 people. Or create our own goals, things that matter and mean something for us. Celebrate along the journey, constantly, to feel it’s a path worth taking, to feel the pride and joy of our accomplishments. Don’t let some random number dictate whether we should celebrate something we take pride in. Don’t let those numbers halt all sense of feeling it reaching it.

  Even for my own podcast and blog, I don’t look at the numbers. No matter what the number is, I’d be disappointed it’s so low. So instead, I celebrate the small things, an interesting topic that episode, how my recording and vocals have improved, or improving my description by learning from other podcasts. In reality, it’s likely that I’ll never earn enough from the podcast or blog to sustain myself. I’ll never have millions upon millions of daily downloads like Joe Rogan. However, that doesn’t mean I can’t have a cake at the 50th episode, to celebrate the long and arduous journey thus far. So take joy in what we do, slowly, surely, and do it constantly with small, non-linear milestones.