The Correct Type of Accountability Partner

March 19th, 2023

Accountabliity Partners must know and understand you properly. They must be able to hit the truth about WHY you want to change.

I always see posts on Reddit asking for an accountability partner. Someone who you tell what you want to do so they can keep you accountable and on track with that goal. There’s even paid accountability groups, where everyone keeps each other accountable to whatever task they wanted to do. This all sounds great in theory. But, in practice it’s a lot more nuanced then just telling a random stranger on the internet what you want to do and magically expecting that you’d do that.

  The theory of accountability partners is that you, a social animal, care about the consequences of not going through with your word. However, people lie. Others don’t care about people in general. Words are the wind, just because you say something doesn’t mean you give a damn about going through with it. In the end, running away from those people, those groups, is always an option.
Online Universities (Unis) have an abysmal completion rate. Everyone starts the course then completely forgets about it. Physical Unis have layers of accountability, but they have real external punishments as well. In a course, friends would ask about how you went with the latest assignment. Nobody wants to be the person so constantly says they haven’t done it. Or in classes, the tutor would ask about your progress on the coursework. Again, do you really want to look like a dud?

  Normally, this is good enough to compel people to move forward. There’s a social shame and stigma attached to someone who does nothing. Except, for me, I just ran away. I ran away from the friends I made so I’d never need to talk about coursework. I stopped attending classes so the tutors could never ask me about assignments. I ran away, then failed that course.

  Just having someone to ask about your progress isn’t enough. Ben, on the the Charisma on Command podcast, talked about when he was hesitant to approach a girl in a bar. His friend tried multiple ways of convincing him but nothing worked. Until he touched upon who Ben saw himself as. A charismatic guy who runs the Charisma on Command Youtube channel. Could he really call himself someone charisma and teach others if he didn’t approach this girl? That was what compelled him forward. Not his friend being by his side, holding him accountable just by listening and watching him. It was holding him accountable to who he sees both his current and his future self to be.

  The correct type accountability partner must know who you see your current and future self as. Then and only then could they hold you accountable. There will always be times you falter and slack, after all, if it was easy, did you really need someone to constantly hold you to your word? Your partner’s true moment to shine is during those lulls, to re-invigorate yourself by holding you to who you wish to become. To align your current actions with your identity.

  Take myself as an example. After reading experiences at Nazi concentration camps, the Communist Revolution and the resulting mass incarnation or massacres from the Gulag Archipelago in Russia and The Great Leap Forward in China. I wondered, take everything away from a man, what does he have left? Let’s say we were in that same position. We lost everything. Our homes and possessions, family, friends, community and are locked up in hard labour. What do we have left? To me, the only thing I had left was my word. Hence, I define myself as a man of my word and will go to great lengths to keep it like that.

  However, yesterday, I said I’d fix my sleeping schedule. I’d wake up early in the mornings to take steps to will this world to my image. Yet, I failed. Instead, waking up midday and, yet again, nothing could be accomplished. My hypothetical accountability partner hold me against that. How I said I was a man of my word, yet what do my actions tell the world? They would provoke me into action to be who I define myself as. That is to get up and get ready early in the mornings, to will my world into existence, instead of sleeping half of it away. So, it isn’t perfect, but better than nothing.

Inflating OKR & Goals With Grand Strategy

December 2nd, 2021

Goals aren’t strategies, don’t get a long todo list mixed up with strategy. Real strategy is achieving a challenge with finite resources, it’s HOW you’ll accomplish something, not the WHAT you want to have done.

Objectives Key Results (OKR), this is a managerial fad that has taken over the world. A majority of companies have these, it could even be disguised under a different name like North Star. These, by themselves, aren’t too bad, it’s better to have some goal rather than none. It also makes it easier for you to get promoted, if you met all these goals, then a payraise or promotion is justified. However, these days they macerade themselves as the grand strategy, the path forward for companies and how they’ll deal with all their competition.

 In reality, these goals are nothing more than a To-Do list with fancy wording to make them sound sophisticated and legit. Anything that’s not immediately achievable is labelled as future goals, thus gives the appearance of a long term strategy. Except, a real strategy is accomplishing a set challenge or task with finite resources, it’s not WHAT we are doing, but HOW are we going to accomplish that.

 Take Intel. After AMD has released several Zen architecture CPUs, they’ve been battered and bruised. As of 2021, AMD’s CPU’s are generally cheaper, use less power and have better specs. Over a decade of monopoly made Intel complacent and they just release a slightly better chip with an insane price, after all, nobody could compete anyway. However, that all changed. Even the laptop segment isn’t safe, where more and more laptop manufacturers include AMD.

 Using OKRs or goals, it’s to beat AMD’s CPUs and regain market share, but that’s just what they need to do. It’s a long laundry list of stuff, what’s even the point of writing that down, it’s fairly obvious. Intel’s strategy is to hire a technical CEO, invest into new chip designs and partially use TSMC manufacturing instead of solely their own. Although it’s somewhat of a to-do list, it’s certainly not a terrible strategy.

 Thus, I implore you to look at your OKR’s, goals and separate what’s just a long list of stuff to do with fancy wording to make managers happy and a real strategy to achieve a challenge or objective with finite resources.

Let’s use this blog as a case study, the end goal would be to produce enough value that 100 – 1,000 people would donate $10 per month. With that amount, I would no longer need a day job to sustain myself. Generally speaking, only a very small percentage of people would donate unless it’s a very tight-knit community.

 Then the goals would be grow the blogs readers, increase the amount of donators or create a dedicated community, much like MrMoneyMustache’s audience. These are not strategies, it’s just a wishlist of things I want to happen. I can’t whip up some motivational post or speech to accomplish this goal. A practice that occurs more and more in companies these days, where the leader sets some ambitious goals, says various placeholder motivational stuff and then expects everyone to accomplish that.

 Let’s take growing the blog’s readers, first I’d need to install website analytics, something that I opted not to have, to gauge how many readers are using the site. Then to see what the typical blog growth looks like, so I have a baseline comparison. After that, I’d need to define what genre my blog will be in, at the moment, it’s everything I have in my mind. But in reality, it’s far better to reduce the scope to a few topics, like philosophy and software development, so the audience knows exactly what they’re getting. All of these is just to set a baseline and create a brand.

 To actually grow the audience, I could post on aggregator blogs to increase exposure, to post to social media sites and reddit. In addition, to create a RSS feed and submit to RSS aggregators, that’ll expand the reach of my blog. Finally, to appear as guest posts of blogs with a similar genres. All of these, although not guaranteed to increase readers, it does increase the number people who would read my articles, and if they’re interested, continue on my blog.

 Now, this isn’t something I’m interested in doing. The entire point of this blog is to not suppress my thoughts, to pander to the market and the like. Instead, it’s to write about whatever interests me and hopefully, someone else would be interested in it as well. A friend of mine asked if I looked at the reader statistics and I said no. What point is there? If there’s 1, I’d get depressed on how few there is, if there’s 100, I’d get depressed that there isn’t as much as I hoped there’d be and this cycle repeats endlessly, even into the millions.

This blog post was based on Good Strategies Bad Strategies by Richard P. Rumelt, I’d recommend you to read it if you’re interested in companies and strategies. Even if you aren’t in a managerial position, at least you know that your company is full of shit and isn’t a long term winner. Thus you can switch boats into one that’ll fly upwards instead of slowly driving itself into the ground. Perhaps it won’t happen in the first 10ish years, but it’ll occur eventually as more and more bullshit gets introduced with zero real world value.